Car accidents happen so fast that you hardly have time to think or find help. Fortunately, an auto insurance policy can help you get back on your feet. Insurance experts at Harrison Insurance and Financials LTD advise Hailey, ID drivers to learn how to file a claim to request reimbursement for damage and injuries. Here is what you can do in case you’re involved in an accident.
Call the police
Your mind may not be in the best position to assess what has happened. Calling the police to take down the details is the best way to handle your claim process. Sometimes, the other party may be difficult to deal with, and that’s why an officer may be necessary for ensuring that they cooperate and you don’t get hurt. Officers also ensure ambulances and emergency services are provided in time to handle injuries.
Gather information about the accident
Collect the necessary information, including the other party’s contacts, vehicle registration, time, weather, and location where the accident happened. It is also essential to note down the badge name of the officer who attends to you. Your insurance company will need these details.
Call your insurer
Contact your Hailey, ID insurance company as soon as it is safe to do so. They will record the information you provide and send someone to come and check out. They will also advise you on the next steps, such as towing your vehicle from the road and finding a replacement for you.
Avoid mistakes that can jeopardize your claim.
Finally, avoid mistakes that could cost your insurance claim. We recommend never accepting fault, sharing details of your coverage limits, or receiving money from the other driver. The other party may try to blame you for avoiding paying for damage if they find out your insurance limits are higher.
To learn more about auto insurance claims, feel free to contact Harrison Insurance and Financials LTD, and we will be happy to guide you through.